Friday, December 30, 2011

Journal 3: Tuesdays With Morrie

For Death and Dying, we have to read Tuesdays With Morrie, Mitch Albom's first hit book before he got even more money from The Five People You Meet In Heaven. Ok, ok, perhaps that's a bit accusatory; the reality is, Tuesdays With Morrie sounds very sincere, and the lessons the dying Morrie Schwartz had to give Albom are very though-provoking and inspirational. Of course, I think the highlight of my experience reading it so far has to be realizing that it is, in fact, a book, and that I could write a journal about it. Reading one book for two classes? Now that is efficiency!

Joking aside, this is another book that is brilliant in its simplicity. Mitch Albom is a great writer because he isn't a 'great' writer - or, at least, he isn't pretentious. A more obnoxious writer may have overloaded the very emotional material with existential banter and pseudo-intellectual observations, but instead, Albom takes a far more approachable stance. The book is told like a novel, which certainly works towards its advantage. Instead of just telling us what happened, Albom ends up being his own main character with legitimate depth. Morrie is magical, intelligent, and endearing, and his personality and dialogue seem almost too good to be true. The kicker, of course, is that they are true, or at least they certainly seem that way. I'm not going to bother researching how sincere Albom is actually being in this book because it really doesn't matter; the fact is, you can't help but be hooked in by the story. It tugs at all the heartstrings you have, even on someone as cynical as myself. I wish my writing was as gripping as this!

I still have quite a ways to go in the novel, but I think it's saying something that a book like this is wildly more interesting and readable to me than anything we've covered in class so far. I don't get caught up in books often, but Albom's got me wanting to know more. Perhaps we should re-evaluate what makes a great writer so great... Tolstoy, Fitzgerald, Faulkner, and Albom? Somehow I don't think the Art Police would like that one.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Journal 2: 1984 I Guess

I like how 1984 starts because it doesn't make an effort to be within the realm of possibility. It's pretty hilarious to me how obnoxiously Orwell portrays his world, using names like "Two Minutes Hate" and slogans like "War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength." I don't want to sound like I'm criticizing it, though - as ridiculous as some of those things are (I don't think the world would ever be in a position anywhere near as oppressed as 1984's is), it's certainly an interesting thing to consider what it would be like if it was. It's exaggeration for the purpose of satire, and it's pretty awesome.

Most people like to use 1984 as an example of literature that in some way predicted the 21st century, and while I can definitely see why, I'm not entirely sure if that's the frame of mind I want to be in while reading it. Obviously it'll impossible for me to not imagine telescreens as televisions or the propaganda on them as being similar to today's news media, but whether or not Orwell predicted these things is irrelevant to me. I think I'm going to be more interested in how the characters act.

The first chapter already has me hooked, so I guess I'll have to keep reading to see where it goes!